Friday, October 29, 2004


so hey, since no one else updates i decided to be different and update. im such and individual. haha. any way. Right now im just sitting at my moms house. I really have to pee. its starting to hurt now. but im to lazy to get up and go. hopefully i dont fall. that would be bad. my bladder could explode and kill me. what a sad way to die. i would be known as bladder exploding girl. that would suck.

So yeah . sunday is gonna be sooo much fun . I still dont have a costume. OH well i will just have to get one last minute. any ideas? I hope that there is a good turn out and we all have fun . Im sure we will. I think it will be great fun,.,,. ahh. i gotta pee. brb...

wow. do you know whats cool. living life without bladder pains.

so im gonna go and clean . I promise to write more later. love you all!




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