Friday, April 27, 2007

When will it end?

So im not one to write blogs about my "feelings" or anything. But this past week has been so stressful on me. And Im sure everyone involved. Im so tired from not being able to sleep and the stress of things that I just want to get a hotel room for a weekend and tell everyone to leave me alone. Seriously, when will it end?

Besides all the stress of life and the other crap the baby is doing fine. my next appointment is on monday. im so excited. I found out that my surgery will be May 10th. They changed it on me. I thought It was going to be this week. I guess not. But they know what they are doing. Im not really nervous about anything except the spinal. Im not looking forward to having a huge needle stuck in my back. I know that it wont be as bad as im expecting, but the anticipation of it really gets me. Im sure everything will be fine. And of course, worth it. I wont have to freak out so much that my baby is going to be premature or that my body will just go into labor. Now we know how to fix it and hopefully it works. Im really not as stressed about everything anymore. Now that I made it to 3 months. To be honest, time just really goes by quick. This baby will be here faster then we think.

So today I went to Ross hoping I would find at least 2 shirts. I can never find anything there..So guess how many I filled my card with.....32!!! Isnt that crazy!! I must have gotten there right in time. So yeah, all you Ross people out there. GO. Right now is the perfect time. Just so you know, I didnt buy all 32 shirts. I ended up taking about 6 home. and im happy about that. Hopefully they fit me in a couple of months. Does anyone know where I can get some maternity pants for us double digit women? ;0)

thats all. here are some pictures. have fun.

yeah, thats what my baby should look like. pretty sweet.

Lol, this ones for you aunt debbie. look how much Kevin loves him mama! you look a little concerned though ;0)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

my Birthday-Nov 11th

So on monday I went to see the Dr. This was the big appointment I was worried about.
I was just afraid that when I got the ultrasound the baby would have passed away.
The reason I was afraid is because my aunt had the same hormone issue and she miscarried around 9 weeks. I felt like things were gonna be ok. But I still had that fear in me.
I think even the Dr was afraid of what he would see because he didnt put the video in to record the ultrasound until halfway through. I think he wanted to make sure the baby was fine. He usually records from the beginning.

Good news though, everything was fine! The due date changed to November 11th. My birthday!! Kind of exciting huh! So I ended up being a whole week further then we thought. Sorry V! The baby was so cute. It looked like he/she was in a bounce house and was jumping all over the place. So I was very excited about that. The only thing Im really afraid of now is getting my surgery. I have to have it done in about a week and a half! yikes! I know it will be well worth it, but I hate the thought of having surgery. Freaks me out a little. so yeah, keep me in your prayers!

Thats about all I have to write about. Sorry! Nothing to exciting has been going on, Ive just been resting as much as I can. I dont get much sleep because of the medicine im on. Only two more weeks of that though!! ..ooh yeah.. I won $50 at wooo hooo! So thats it. take care. feel free to ask any questions if you want!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Hello Easter

Easter came out of nowhere for me this year. All of the sudden it was a week away. I couldnt believe it. We did have a great Easter despite me being so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. We went to my Aunts house for dinner and played an awesome game that I have never seen. There are two post and you have to throw this rope with a ball on each end and wrap it around the post..Sounds exciting right? nope. but it was! Church was awesome on Sunday. Jenn had it right when she said she felt like crying out for Joy when we sang How Great is our God. AMAZING. How great is our God, For dying on the cross for us and coming back 3 days later. Praise God!
So I guess Avas brick is finally in at the Angel of hope. Im excited to go and see it. If you havnt had the chance to check it out you should. Its such a sweet little place to go. And the angel is beautiful. Yeah, it can be sad. But its a place for remembering. I think you should check it out sometime. I will be putting up some pictures soon when I go. there are also 2 other bricks for my cousins Faith and Emma who past away before their 9 months.
Oh yeah! I went to the Todd Agnew concert! Amazing. Im not even a huge fan. So I wasnt crazy excited about going. But once it started it was awesome. The best time of worship I have been to in awhile. He is a funny guy. And he was sick. It was pretty sad. But he made the best of it and did a great Job. He wasnt at all like I expected. I thought he would be older but he was pretty young. If you guys ever get a chance to see him live you should.
One thing that stuck out to me at the concert was the story about his grandma dying. He had such a hard time with her loss. And the whole thought of her going to heaven still didnt comfort him. So he talked about a verse in the bible that says when we get to heaven God greets us with a song that he wrote just for us. Wow. When we get to heaven you would think the first thing we would do is praise God. But he greets us with a song written just for us, surrounded by colors we have never seen. I dont know the exact wording, but I love it. . . . .when I figure out the verse I will write more about it.

So the pregnancy is going well so far. (as far as I know) I did have a scare the other day, but I just had a reaction to my medication that made me have really bad cramps. The dr office I go to knows that I am crazy paranoid because of the last pregnancy. they are very good about getting me in when I think something is wrong. And they are very understanding..did I already write about this last time? sorry if I did..Anyway, im about 9 weeks along. Here is what my baby should look like right about now.
I cant believe in only 9 weeks those little fingers can be so well formed! The picture below is about 7 weeks.

CRAZY! look how tiny those feet are!

Monday, April 02, 2007

heres the baby

i cant really think of anything to write about. so here are some pictures of what my baby look like right about now. Im only 7 1/2 weeks. But Its crazy to see how much they grow in just a week.




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