Friday, November 30, 2007

my little screaming baby.

Hello! Just thought I would do another update. Tyler is doing well. He is getting bigger and changing everyday. He is such a sweet baby, except we just found out (more like figured out) that he has colic. blah! On Sunday night he started crying and didn't stop screaming for 3-4 hours! I didn't know what to do. I fed him, burped him, changed him, walked with him. I did everything I could but he wouldn't stop screaming. I finally broke down and cried with him . lol I woke Jason up and my wonderful husband took it from there so I wouldn't have a nervous break down. Every night since then Tyler has cried for about 2-4 hours in the evening time. I called the Dr and everything pointed to Colic. That means something is hurting his tummy. So now I have to figure it out. It could be something I'm eating that is passing through the breast milk and making him sick. or he could be allergic to his formula. (he is breastfeeding and taking formula) So I have to dwindle things out of my diet to figure out what is hurting him. Its so stressful. I feel bad for him because there is nothing I can do to make him feel better. poor guy. hopefully It will go away soon. Other then that he is a very good baby.

Last night he finally slept in his bassinet all night! I only had to get up a couple of times to feed him and change him. It was great finally getting to sleep in my bed. I have had to sleep with him on my chest while I sit on the couch for the past 3 weeks.. It wasn't that bad because I was so tired that I could probably sleep anywhere. but there is nothing like sleeping in your own bed. Hopefully he keeps it up.

So. Question. Is it to early to get a Christmas tree? I'm so excited to get one. I think Tyler will really enjoy the lights. that seems to be his favorite thing right now. he could stare at them all day. He's going to love them.

Well, I don't know what else to write about. so i will just put up some picture.
oh yeah! JENN!! thanks for the shout outs on your blog. they make me happy. love you!!

Tanya and Tyler just chillin

the poop face.
I wanted to take a nice picture because he was totally happy..but then he changed his mind. He was not amused.
This is a little better.
Wide awake
I never put up any pictures from the hospital. so yeah, here ya go. See the smile on my face..that's because I wasn't aware of how freaking painful the next 20 hours would be! nice.

Tylers right after he was born. He's so small!
My first time holding my baby boy. what an amazing but overwhelming moment! (sorry for the blood)
Here is my little snorter. This face cracks me up!
He was getting sleepy and was being so sweet. I had to get a picture.
My sister stephanie and Tyler. I miss you steph!!

So jason and I went on a date and left the baby with my mom . When we got back he started crying and this is seriously the face he gave me. lol he was not happy with us.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tyler James

Here it is. My blog. finally.

Tyler James was born October 31st. He weighed 7 lbs 11oz and was 21 inch. . .So yeah, here is how it all started.

I went to my dr's appointment on october 30th. I had a feeling that the 30th would be the day I would have him. A year ago on October 30th I had my little girl Ava. I couldnt decide If having him on that day would be a good thing or a bad thing. I just had a feeling it would happen. sure enough the Dr said I needed to be induced because I developed pre eclamspia. I swelled up, was getting dizzy and seeing black spots, and my blood pressure shot up pretty high. So I got to the hospital and was put on petosin to speed up labor and magnesium to help my blood pressure. The bad thing about the mag is that it is used to stop labor. yeah, that sucked. It made me sick and made me really really hot. And being too hot during labor is the worst. So I dealt with the pain as long as I could, but I was having back labor because the baby was turned the wrong way and stuck. So I got an ITN (like an epidural) but it wore off after and hour. So I got another one and that one wore off in an hour.....And guess where I was at when it wore off...9 cm. So I had to deliver the baby with no medicine and it was not a pretty scene. The baby got stuck and they had to use a vacuum to get him out. But after all the craziness I finally had him. The labor story was so more, but if I put it all in this blog it would go on forever. Just know that it was not a good experience and I really dont want to ever go through that again. Dont get me wrong. It was worth it. But adoption is looking pretty good right now. I cant go through that again.

So the baby got jaundice and had to go back to the hospital and be put under the lights for a couple of days. The first night back at the hospital my pre eclampsia came back and my body started preparing to have seizures. I started shaking and they took me to the ER. I ended up staying in the hospital for almost a week. There was even a point were I didnt get to see the baby for almost 2 days. it was horrible. But we are both better now and home. Thank God!
Tyler finally getting to go home!

I just want to add to this that my Husband Jason was amazing during labor. I would be lost without him.. and He was so great when the baby and I were back in the hospital. he took such great care of us. He is an amazing husband and father. I couldnt ask for more.

the baby is now 3 weeks old now and he very healthy! His skin tone is back to normal. He doesnt look like and Oompa Loompa anymore! He now weighs 9 lbs 4oz and eats a lot!




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