Sunday, December 04, 2005

Luke 1:46

Its amazing how the women who gave birth to Christ was so humble. She knew that people wouldnt believe that she was a virgin, she knew people would look down on her because she wasnt married. But still she says "Praise the Lord" She never made it about her. It was always about God. Thats how we should be when the Lord uses us for his glory. Even if it means people will look at us like me are crazy.
Below is what mary said when she found out she was going to give birth to Jesus

"My soul glorifies the Lord
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
For he has been mindful
of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call
me blessed
For the mighty one has done great things for me.
holy is his name!
His mercy extends to those who fear him.
From generation to generaton
He has performed mighty deeds with his arm.
He has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
He has brought down rulers from their thrones
but has lifted up the humble
he has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty
he has helped his servant israel remembering
to be merciful to Abraham and his descendants forever
even as he said to our fathers."




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