Friday, October 29, 2004


so hey, since no one else updates i decided to be different and update. im such and individual. haha. any way. Right now im just sitting at my moms house. I really have to pee. its starting to hurt now. but im to lazy to get up and go. hopefully i dont fall. that would be bad. my bladder could explode and kill me. what a sad way to die. i would be known as bladder exploding girl. that would suck.

So yeah . sunday is gonna be sooo much fun . I still dont have a costume. OH well i will just have to get one last minute. any ideas? I hope that there is a good turn out and we all have fun . Im sure we will. I think it will be great fun,.,,. ahh. i gotta pee. brb...

wow. do you know whats cool. living life without bladder pains.

so im gonna go and clean . I promise to write more later. love you all!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

a new post already

I know that the only person reading this is tani. oh well.

'Im sitting here at my grandpas office "working"

I should be at the DMV...or at Cingular wireless trying to get a job.

Or sleeping.

Last night I went and watched Everwood at tanyas. I didnt want to watch it. then it turned out to be really good . But i wont tell tanya that. cause then she might think I liked it. but really im trying to make her feel dumb for watching it. ;0)

If i was blind. Do you think I could jump on a horse?

I do.

love ashli

Monday, September 27, 2004

Ouch my body

Wow. It sucks trying to get hott. I went to the gym today. I was just gonna do the normal workout and out of no where some random women pulled me into this room and said " join my class!!" so there I was. In a room full of old women with big hair........having the time of my It was sooo much fun. there was only like 5 of us...Its a body sculpting class. ouch. I loved it. now I hurt. oh well. I suppose thats good. AHAHAHAHA. Im gonna get hott like Shakira.

Anyway. I dont have a job anymore. Yesterday I decided to just quit. I only had a couple more days left But they were driving me nuts. So yeah. here I am with rent to pay and no job. But it is in Gods hands. and so well he has done a good job taking care of me. I know that he will help me get a good job quick. He has already given me some good ideas. im not worried. he will take care of me....

i had subway.

alright. call me people. I have nothin to do.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Thats Right...Im a Blogger

this is so Gruel Tanya!!!

YUP thats right. Miss ashli decided to become a Blogger. Its really nice to know that I wont have people on here calling me names and starting fights like livejournal. So this is cool. I hope you all like my Blog. Im gonna go and make it cooler then all of yours. talk to you later. message me so I know you got this!

love ashli




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