Wednesday, September 19, 2007

the baby at 8 months

So the baby is 32 weeks and 3 days. He is measuring pretty big and they think he is about 5 lbs. so we might be looking at a 9 lb baby! lol nice huh? the pictures he is holding his foot up to his mouth, its pretty cute. he also looks like he is wearing a shower cap in some of the pictures. hehe. this picture it looks like he is hugging a doll or something. while wearing a shower cap. lol
..................................look at his cheeks!! it looks like he is blowing a kiss...with his foot ;0) can see his little hand holding his foot up to his mouth. I wonder what he is doing? Its looks like he is kissing his foot!! pretty tired so Im not going to write much. just thought I would share the pictures!


Anonymous said...

How cute he is. I can't wait to hold him. what a cute nose!!!
aunt deb

Jen said...

I almost lost it when I read your comment on Michael's blog about Nerissa Sugars. Oh man. You crack me up. Love ya

Anonymous said...

I'd like a new blog posting from you!....all those in favor, say "I"






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