Friday, August 08, 2008

I want to know

Hey guys. If you can, please give me your opinion on these questions and if you can a biblical answer. I would like to hear your thoughts on these.. Just something I'm struggling with and really need help with..Its hard for me to explain the situation because I don't want to go in to detail on here or cause more drama. ... sorry. you don't have to answer all of them. maybe just a few. whatever you feel will help. Thank you!!

1. Is forgiveness a conscious choice, or an emotional state?

2. How do we forgive when we don't want to forgive? How do we translate the decision to forgive into a change of heart?

3. How will we know if we have truly forgiven?

4. Is it okay to feel anger and want justice for the person we need to forgive?

5. When you forgive someone, does the bitterness go away?

6. How do you forgive someone who isn't willing to accept responsibility for what they have done?

This is a real issue. I'm not just bored. I really need personal and biblical advice... And maybe someone else out there is struggling with the same issue? I am praying about this and I am searching for answers by reading the bible. But I could use some help with this.

Thank you!!


Anonymous said...

Jesus commands(not asks politely) us to forgive and love others. We don't have an option. However we do have the choice of whether or not we trust that person again. Forgetting is much more difficult than forgiving. I say just let it go. If someone has wronged you and is not willing to apologise, then they are not the kind of person you should be around anyway. Iron sharpens iron, and it sounds like your'e iron working with balogna. Sometimes you need to just forget about somebody for a long period of time to let them grow up, like your fat crummy husband did to you. I think he's retarded, too. hmm, stinky.

Seriously, forgiveness takes a while sometimes. We're human. And sometimes is't not until monthes/years later that when we are wrong, we realise it. But ultimatesly, I don't need to Bible thump you to tell you that we are commanded to forgive. So as long as your heart is right, thats all you can do.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading a book about forgiveness right now. It's really good and answers a lot of these questions. I will give it to you on Sunday. Love you.

Tim and Tiffany Lanier said...

Hey Ashley, I have enjoyed checking on your blog and seeing pictures of your little guy. As for forgiveness, that is a really tough issue. To start off, I would definitely say that forgiveness is a conscious choice. We can never rely on our emotions. Here is what I would say in my limited understanding... Forgiveness takes ALOT of prayer! It is going to come down to giving it all over to God and trusting Him with your emotions. You can't wait for the other person to accept responsibility before you can seek to forgive them. Forgiveness is ultimately between you and God. Harboring bitterness in another area that needs to laid at God's feet. He is the only one who can take that away. I also wonder if forgiveness is a progressive thing. There will be the initial struggle of forgiveness, but there will be times where hard feelings will well up again and we will have to lay it at God's feet again. There is so much that I am still working through with this issue, but these are just some thought that I had. I hope this helps and I look forward to seeing you around church!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry i didn't know you were so upset with me................
love aunt deb
Just kidding........forgiveness is tricky. For me, I don't like to keep anger inside me. so I do pray for strength and the ability to forgive. I can't tell you to forgive and forget. That is something you will have to be able to cope with. I kinda sweep things under the rug and hope it stays put. That is me though so you will find your path........... give it some time.
aunt deb

Crisha said...

I admire that you seek others for encouragment Ashley. Forgivness is required, but you know that. (7 x 777 times!)It is a conscious choice that leads to an emotional state, it's not easy which is why we are told and reminded time and time again to let go. It's normal to be angry, especially when the person doesn't want to apologize. But when we keep that anger it stews and becomes bigger- and uglier. Than it becomes a matter of the heart, it will bring you down. That person has won and it will effect all of your decisions because they damaged you. God designed your heart that way- that's why he ask us to forgive. Forgive like he forgave us- and continues to do even when we continually try to live "our way". I'll pray for you! (I want to keep this blog anonymous but I wrote a poem for you in Jr High for Kyle...hint hint)

Crisha said...

I admire that you seek others for encouragment Ashley. Forgivness is required, but you know that. (7 x 777 times!)It is a conscious choice that leads to an emotional state, it's not easy which is why we are told and reminded time and time again to let go. It's normal to be angry, especially when the person doesn't want to apologize. But when we keep that anger it stews and becomes bigger- and uglier. Than it becomes a matter of the heart, it will bring you down. That person has won and it will effect all of your decisions because they damaged you. God designed your heart that way- that's why he ask us to forgive. Forgive like he forgave us- and continues to do even when we continually try to live "our way". I'll pray for you! (I want to keep this blog anonymous but I wrote a poem for you in Jr High for Kyle...hint hint)

Crisha said...
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