Monday, October 31, 2005


hey all. So I got a funny phone call from alyssa yesterday....

alyssa: "hey ashley"
me: "hey alyssa"
alyssa: "so here is the plan...We are all gonna dress up, get candy and then have a party at your house and watch scary movies!"
me: "ok"
alyssa: "ok, see you then"

so...its not very funny typed out...but it was very funny on the phone. So i guess everyone is coming over to my house tonight? fun fun fun! im excited!

So my doctor told me that im not going to be able to have kids. I wanted to die. I was so upset you dont even know! I lost sleep over it, I made myself sick over it, I think I cried for like 2 days....Then the nurse calls me and says they made a mistake and everything is fine with me! ahhhhh...Yea, its good news and im soooo happy, but do they even realize how much sadness and pain they put me through!? I think doctors should keep thier mouths shut before they get test results..then drop the bomb after they know what is really wrong and not put people through all of that emotional crap.....anyway, all is good though. im fine..i can have kids..woot woot. love you all. see you later.

1 comment:

Jen said...

those bastard doctors!




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