Wednesday, August 23, 2006

my new blog..finally

Hello! Just wanted to update on life. Things are going great. Not to much really going on right now. (except for the baby) Im hoping that I will be over the sickness soon. Ive lost 15 lbs in 2 pretty sure thats not healthy. Im over it though. Im sure I will gain it back when im not sick.

Im pretty sad about Jim not being our "leader" anymore. He is amazing. I do understand why he had to leave. the guy is soo busy, and I believe God Is calling to greater things! Its so hard to give up on a ministry. Im proud of him for doing what he felt was right. lets keep him and his family in prayer.

MR SHAW!!! I just want you to know that I think you did a great job in leading sunday school! It was very interesting hearing all the different opinions and you did a great job of keeping everyone on topic. Great Job! And thankyou for taking on sunday school. :0)

You know..I really don't have much to write. Life is just pretty kick back right now. I do have a question.

Any grand ideas on a baby nursery? I need some for a girls room and a boys room. I have no clue what to do! let me know.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I think you should put on a pad... :o)




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