Saturday, June 30, 2007

Its a?

BOY! I think most of you know that by now. But anyway, some of you dont yeah, there ya go. I dont have much to write about..except everything is going very well and the baby is healthy. Im feeling him move everyday now and thats very exciting. here are some pictures.

................." on the phone!"
.........................................You can kind of see his nose and mouth here.
.............................................It looks like he has 6 fingers but one of them is just something in the background..yeah, i kind of freaked out but its all good.
............................................Tylers face..kind of look cute and scary at the same time! not sure if you can all see this. but he was covering his face like he was hiding from the doppler :0)
..........................................A side view
.........................................evidence that he is in fact a boy ;0)
...........................................looks like he is trying to suck his thumb.

Thats all! hope you liked it.


Anonymous said...

He looks so cute! I can't wait to hold him!!!
Love, Aunt Deb

Jen said...

Nice! Can't wait to meet him. :o) Who is he calling anyway, come to think of it, I had a missed call...

Anonymous said...

i'm leaving you a message even though your standing right here. I'll just say it: I friggin love you. I can't wait for little Tyler to come out. Let's just not call him T.J. Initial names are so 1983 and all those kids are punks with rattails.
hmm, maybe that's unfair. I'm just speaking out of hurt,.
Justin Timberlake (JT) douche
Jonathan Taylor Thomas(JTT) gay homo
50cent(fiddy) criminal
Ryan (BJ Novak) temp
JK Rowling - drug addict/child molester
JRR Tolkien - author (Hylton's can't read)

need I say more?

Veralynn said...

All right, Ashley!! That is so awesome that your baby is healthy and you're doing well, and...yeah. If you need any help with anything, call me!! :)

MomSmoo said...

Congrats. Just looking through my old posts and saw the one about low progesterone. Glad that resolved for you. Boys are so wonderful. Good luck to you




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