I think my blog was to long last time and it scared people away. So this one shall be shorter..maybe.
Tyler got his 4 months shots yesterday. Poor guy. His little legs got red and sore and he pretty much screamed for the rest of the day. I felt so bad. There was nothing I could do about it except give him some baby meds and hope it helped. He is much better today. Thank God. I don't think I could handle that for another day.
We tied our softball game yesterday. The girls did great on hitting and pretty good of fielding. The other team tied with us after our catcher and picture decided to not pay attention and help a girl that got hit with the ball. while they were trying to help this girl (who wasn't even hurt) the other team had 2 runners on the bases that ran to home with out us even trying to get them out. Did that make sense? A little confusing. All in all. The girls and the coaches had a great time. And that's all that matters. They are awesome girls. I'm so happy to be their coach.
I went to the gym last night after the game. It was cool, except I was by myself and that kind of sucked. I usually have my awesome cousin Tan with me or my sisters. It was fine though because I was able to think about a lot of things without distraction. Have you ever tried praying while on the treadmill? It kept me going. I think I was paying so much attention to praying and thinking about life in general, that I doubled my usual time. That was pretty cool. so yeah, last night was good. The only thing that bugs me is that no matter how much I push myself Im never sore the next day.. So maybe im not pushing myself hard enough? Its annoying. As far as weight loss goes, I haven't lost much since the last time I weighed. But im also building a bit of muscle. I have lost another inch though, and that's pretty exciting. Does anyone on here go to Golds?
As for my life in general, I couldn't be happier. I have Jesus. Who is just amazing. He will never leave me, or let me down. And I love that. I have my awesome husband Jason who loves and provides for this family like you wouldn't believe. I married my best friend. Isn't that the way it should be :0) And I have my baby Tyler. He can make me smile in the worst of times. I love him. I cant believe that he has only been here for 4 months. I feel like I have loved him since the day I was born. And of course, My family and friends. I love you too. That's a lot of love right there. And of course, I end this blog with some pictures. I hope it wasn't to long!
Yes. I go to Golds. I've been trying to shape up before the surgery so that I don't blow up when I'm down for the count. :o) I go at random times though, usually late at night. Anywho, baby shots are sad. :o( I'm glad I'm not a baby anymore. Love ya
That cat picture is awesome! I love you Ash!
I totally realte to little Ty! I got a bunch of shots the other day (for going to China) and they hurt like a mother (as Zoei would say)!! So Jenn, even though you're not a baby anymore, you still might have to get shots--and IT HURTS!!
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