Wednesday, February 21, 2007


So yeah, I have decided to do lent this year. I know , Im not Catholic. Oh well. Im gonna do it anyway. Problem anyone?

so yeah, Ive decided to give up bread. Yeah, Its a little extreme. But I think I can do it. Wouldnt hurt me to try. I realized that I eat way way way to much of it and I suppose bread would be that one thing I think I cant go without. So I have to try. Prayer and encouragment would be great!! thankyou! I guess we will see how the next 39 days go. I will keep you posted.

so what do you all think of this? I wanna know.


Jen said...

Bread?! Out of all the things you could have given up, you chose bread?! Bread is a lifesource! Bread is probably the best thing ever. It's so soft and fulfilling. How could you? As long as you don't give up the bread of Life. :o) Love you

JazMarie said...

on Friday I was walking out of the cafeteria after dropping my kids off and a teacher walks up to me and says, "Are you Catholic?" and I replied "no." So he hands me his chicken burrito because he forgot he can't eat meat on Friday's! lol, it was gooood




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