Wednesday, March 28, 2007

baby news!

Sorry it has taken me so long to update you all! I've been so sick. This baby really is kicking my butt. I've lost a total of 6 lbs already..yikes! Hopefully the sickness doesn't last 5 months like my last pregnancy. That would really suck. Anyway, I was so overwhelmed with all the comments on my last blog. Thank you so so much to everyone who is actually reading my blog and to those who are praying for us. It means sooo much to Jason and I. Well, here's whats going on.

I went back to the Dr and was scared to death that there wouldn't be a heart beat. The ultrasound equipment they used was the older machine so we couldn't find the heartbeat..I freaked. I was so scared. But then there it was 130 heart rate. Beautiful. I was so excited!! I wish I could show you a picture of my ultrasound. The baby as so so tiny. I was thrilled. So they measured the baby and I was only 6 weeks and 2 days. AHHH. This is going to be the longest pregnancy ever! But I am so happy we found out early because we were able to see that my hormone levels were low and we have started taking care of it. Its always good to find the problem early. So hopefully everything will work out. So my next appointment is in 3 weeks. Its weird to wait that long because I have been going in once a week ...sometimes 2 times a week. Maybe that means things are looking up. so there ya go. Everything seems to be going great. I just wish I could eat now!

Here is what my baby looks like right now...CRAZY

And this is basically what we saw on the ultrasound..hehe look at my little snail. so cute. (thats not my ultrasound picture. but it look exactly the same)

THE CONCERT!! Was amazing. Jeremy and Adie Camp are awesome. It was a very kick back concert. It was awesome to hear their testimonies and to have QandA time with them. Jeremy camp is freaking hilarious. the whole band was so funny. They would laugh at each other until they cried. I loved it. It definitely made mine and Jasons day so much better...

well, sorry this has been kind of a lame update. I'm not feeling very good. so I'm just gonna try and eat and get some sleep. thank you all! remember to keep praying for us!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

I know its long....

I know this is really long. But please read it if you can. It means a lot for me, and I could really use the support..thank you!

I can finally post that I am pregnant. yay! I should wait longer to tell people because things are not going so well. I have low progesterone levels. And progesterone is the hormone that keeps the baby safe and keeps women from miscarrying. I have starting taking some progesterone pills to bring up my levels and I pray that it works. This has been a very scary time for Jason and I. I have already had a trip to the hospital thinking I was losing the baby. I prayed to hard that God would prove the Dr.s wrong. and he has so far. So I guess I will start from the beginning.

Found out I was pregnant and went to the Dr. When they did an ultrasound they couldn't see anything and I was freaked out. They also found a cyst on my ovaries the size of an Orange! yikes. So hopefully that will go away or else I have to have it removed. Moving on, They did blood work and told me my hormone levels are low. A lot of the signs pointed to the pregnancy being ectopic. (meaning the baby would be in my fallopian tubes..bad bad ) So one night I started bleeding and cramping. It was the worst feeling ever. thinking I was losing another baby. So I called the dr and he said I was having a miscarriage. So I went in and they checked and everything was fine. They even saw a sack in my uterus. Meaning it was not ectopic. yay.. So I go home that night and am sick the entire night...nice huh. just thought you should know. Turned out I had the worst stomach flu ever! blah. so I went back to the Dr. the next day and they checked again. my hormone levels kept dropping. so they put me on the meds to raise my levels. The next week I went back and they saw a baby in the sack but no heart beat. So of course Im freaking out even more. I went back in about a week later and saw a heartbeat! The Dr was very surprised and happy to see the heart beat and said everything is progressing the way it should be. praise God! Just shows how much prayer helps. So this pregnancy is pretty much a waiting game. I have an appointment on Monday to measure the baby. Im just praying that there is still a heartbeat and everything is fine. Pray for me.

March 25 is Ava's due date. I prayed that God would send Jason and I some hope and comfort this month. And he sent us another baby. Not that this one is taking her place, but it did give us hope and comfort. Just knowing that he is here for us and hears our prayers. Sunday is going to be a hard day for us, but I know we will be ok. A song that has really helped Jason and I is Jeremy camp, Walk by Faith. I have listened to this song daily. Here is the trippy part. Jasons mom got jason and I tickets to see him in concert..on Sunday..the one day we really need it. YAY! I really believe thats a God thing. I asked for comfort on that day and he sent it. Sorry this is so long everyone. Are you even reading this? hehe. thanks if you are.

So here are the lyrics

Will I believe you when you say, Your hand will guide my every way
Will I receive the words You say, Every moment of every day
Well I will walk by faith Even when I cannot see
because this broken road Prepares Your will for me

Help me to RID my endless fears
You've been so faithful for all my years
With the one breath You make me new
Your grace covers all I do

well i will walk by faith even when i cannot see
because this broken road prepares your will for me
Well I'm broken- but I still see Your face
Well You've spoken- pouring Your words of grace
Well I will walk by faith Even when I cannot see
Well because this broken road Prepares Your will for me

So please keep us in your prayers. Really though, pray pray pray. Dont say you will just to be nice..;0) really do it. It would mean so much to us. I will keep ya all updated.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Im really not sure what to write about. I mean, I could write a novel. But its not the right timing. Soon though ;0) Im feeling much better. I had the craziest flu last week! I havnt been that sick since I was little. Thank God its gone! I still dont have much off an appetite though. OOOH! I remember what I could write about. Sunday, Jason and I are going to see Jeremy Camp in concert at his moms church. Im so excited! He is by far my favorite christian singer. He has an amazing testimony. Its gonna be a lot of fun. Jasons mom got us tickets for like $60! crazy.

anyway, thats all for sorry!

Friday, March 09, 2007

My amazing weekend!

First off. I want to show you my sisters new puppies..they are so cute I could cry...The dogs names are Roxy and Hurly.ahhhhhhhh. Just an update. Steph and Mike just got their new place in New Jersey. As far as I know they really like the new place . they are just getting settled in. Miss you Stephanie!!

I had the most amazing weekend in Santa Cruse. Instead of just writing about it I thought I would show you some pictures. here ya go!

the excitement of getting there after 4 hours was to much for Michelle and I!

We danced.

We hung out in Tanya's Dorm with the crew.

We worshiped.
We protected the president! (long story)

Our guys beat up trees until there was a single branch left! ;0) so strong.
We played mini golf in the most amazing indoor course! I lost.

we flirted with pirates! Actually that was the theme of the mini golf course. We sailed a boat..

We acted like crazy people.

We had a picnic.
We played in the grass.

We sent love to our friends that couldn't make the trip.. we missed you! We supported our friend Erin while she opened for Paul wright at BU. we went to the boardwalk! so much fun!
we bonded.

we watched the sun set And we said goodbye :0(

So yeah. There was a lot more, but these are all the pictures I could get my hands on. We had a blast just hanging out. Im glad our group is pretty chill. We have the best time when we are together. althought I did miss my husband greatly. I was gone for about 4 days. goodtimes though.I think my favorite part was going to the boardwalk and watching Erin Ragland and paul wright do a show. they were awesome. Well, thats all for now. hope you liked it!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


YAY!!! I cant believe it........

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Tomorrow I am leaving to visit Tanya at Bethany. Our friend Erin is opening up a concert for Paul Wright. He is a pretty famous christian artist, so we are pretty excited. The drive wont be to bad. I think its only about 4 hours. Plus I will have my friend Michelle with me. Should be a lot of fun!

Tuesday was Jason's birthday. We didn't have time to go out and I was totally bummed. So we went to the Olive Garden yesterday to celebrate. I was so mad when they brought out the basket of bread sticks...ahhhhhhh. It was torture. But I made it through the night without eating any. Jason thought it was funny so he tormented me a bit. Thanks Jay. All in all it was a good time. We haven't had a date in awhile so I was pretty happy about that. Anyone know where I can find the movie Bubble Boy? Jason really wants it for his birthday and I cant seem to find it anywhere. LAME! Guys are so hard to shop for.

So Stephanie (my sister) and Her husband mike left for New Jersey today. they finally get to settle down in a real house. Poor steph has been living in a hotel for a couple of months. And she hated it! lucky her, she gets to go on a shopping spree to get some furniture and new stuff for the house. sounds so exciting! I miss her a lot and I wish she would come home. Hopefully She will visit soon. I wonder how much it would cost to get a plane ticket to New Jersey from here. Probably more then I make in a month. and that's sad...

Well, Sorry this has been a bit boring. Nothing to exciting has really happened in my life lately. Just working, and hanging out. I will ask for prayer though as the new month starts. Ava was due on March 25Th. and I cant really imagine how hard the day is going to be. ... or how hard the month is going to be. I think I'm a pretty strong person, but the pain is still there. So please keep Jason and I in your prayers. thank you! love you all.




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